$.language = {"scenario_name_plant_based":"Plant-based meatless","scenario_strapline_plant_based":"Planet-friendly eating OR going against nature?","scenario_description_plant_based":"Environmental sustainability and animal welfare campaigns catch on globally. People turn to plant-based diets as humans reconsider their relations with animals and animal agriculture. Land that produces animal feed now grows food for humans or is converted into wildlands.","scenario_name_less_better":"Less meat","scenario_strapline_less_better":"Win-win for animals, people and the planet OR elitist and unrealistic?","scenario_description_less_better":"Livestock roam and graze in environments that more closely resemble their natural habitats. People consume less meat in rich, industrialized nations. Meat costs more to reflect the positive benefits of livestock production for people and the planet.","scenario_name_alt_meat":"Alternative 'meat'","scenario_strapline_alt_meat":"A utopian evolution OR a science fiction dystopia?","scenario_description_alt_meat":"Crickets, mealworms, lab-grown meat. New and novel foods are grown in indoor settings to provide protein and nutrition while freeing up agriculture\u2019s demand on global land. \u201cMeat\u201d produced in these labs gradually replaces meat sold at markets, grocery stores and restaurants.","scenario_name_efficient":"Efficient meat 2.0","scenario_strapline_efficient":"The only way to feed billions OR the root of society's problems?","scenario_description_efficient":"Technological innovation and sustainable intensification pave the way for a more efficient livestock production system. These innovations reduce negative environmental impacts and improve animal welfare. People continue to consume meat at the same rate and at the same price as they are used to.","control_text_slider_disagree":"disagree","control_text_slider_agree":"agree","control_text_button_next":"Next","control_text_statement_details":"To learn more about the different statements and how we connected them with the scenarios, select a statement in the menu below!","control_text_final_return":"

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